If you have a Universal Life Church congregation, or are working on starting one, it might make sense to hold a Vacation Bible School. For ULC purposes we'll call it: "Sacred Summer Adventure," but you can name it whatever makes sense to you. This usually takes place around the beginning of the summer, and while there are a lot of VBS materials published by various churches and printing houses, maybe you would like to do something unique. If you are just starting out with your ministry, focus first on your own children and those of your members, if there are any, before opening an invitation to future VBS programs to the wider public. You're going to want some experience before you invite in the world!
Below is a high level outline of a week-long Sacred Summer Adventure program. It is pretty bare bones, and although in the following five days we will also publish lesson plans for each day, there are a lot of blanks for you to fill in. For instance, what kind of games and activities will you have? What about refreshments? Will there be a presentation program for parents and guardians at the close of the week? How will you make it age appropriate by grade? In the future these questions will be fleshed out more, but for now that's all on you, the dedicated ULC minister, to work out.
Day 1: The Universal Life Introduction to the Universal Life Church and its principles Discussion of the importance of love, peace, and understandingActivity: Create a collage or mural representing the Universal Life
Day 2: The Power of Prayer Learning about the power of prayer and how it can be used to make a difference in the world Discussion of different ways to prayActivity: Write a prayer for peace or healing
Day 3: The Gift of Forgiveness Learning about the importance of forgiveness and how it can help us to heal Discussion of different ways to forgiveActivity: Create a forgiveness tree
Day 4: The Joy of Service Learning about the importance of service to others and how it can make the world a better place Discussion of different ways to serve othersActivity: Volunteer at a local soup kitchen or homeless shelter
Day 5: The Celebration of Life Celebration of the Universal Life and all that it has to offer Discussion of the importance of living each day to the fullestActivity: Create a life wheel to represent your hopes, dreams, and goals
This is just a basic outline, and you can customize it to fit the needs of your group. You may also want to include additional activities, such as singing songs, playing games, and reading stories. The most important thing is to create a fun and engaging environment where children can learn about the Universal Life Church and its principles.

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